October 22, 2016

made with 100% coconut milk
ALL milk, not a single drop of water.

soap batter before molding

This soap is formulated with cold pressed neem oil and luxury shea butter, organic sesame oil, and other high-quality oils, loaded with vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants that help to protect the skin from environmental damage.  It is a real treat for the skin, soothing and moisturizing!  

Neem has insecticidal properties (Azadirachtin), it is antibacterial and antifungal, good for oily skin, treat mild acne, soothe irritations, prevent infections, excellent for relieving skin problems like eczema and psoriasis.  Pure natural essential oil blends (including patchouli, mint, cedarwood....) enhance the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory character! 


Ingredients: organic coconut milk, pure honey and vitamin E oil, cold pressed neem oil, raw shea butter, organic sesame oil, coconut oil, palm kernel oil, palm oil, rice bran oil, sodium hydroxide(as the saponifying agent, none remains after saponification), pure natural essential oils(incl. patchouli, mint, cedarwood, .....).

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