PATCHOULI - Herbal Care

May 14, 2016

Soap Making 
Formulated with avocado oil, shea butter, neem oil, and skin's super vitamin red palm oil, these oils are famous for promoting skin health, especially for sensitive skin. Mother-of-Herbs were mashed and made into ice cubes for use. With so much good stuff in it, this soap is gona be a real treat for sensitive and problem skin.
精油調配好之後靜置一個星期定香準備做皂。除了基礎油品之外,還有酪梨油,乳油木果脂,苦楝油,和富含維他命E的紅棕櫚油(eco-friendly馬來西亞本地生產),都是對敏感肌膚很有幫助的好油。清洗乾淨的左手香藥草打成濃濃的泥做成冰塊泡在冰水桶裡,底下墊著裝修屋子時特別留下來的花崗石,幫助降低溫度。這款皂雖然添加了苦楝油,但在濃郁的左手香和精油的配合之下,整體的味道很溫和好聞,貨真價實的草本藥皂! 很讓人期待!!

Soap crafting 
Soaps were hand poured into molds and kept in the prepared boxes to continue saponification for at least 72hrs, then handcrafted to suitable handheld size. Greeny Mother-of-Herbs, avocado oil, unrefined shea butter and raw red palm oil, together formed this beautiful texture and stunning dark olive green color!

Ingredients  Mother-Of-Herbs, fresh milk, unrefined avocado oil, unrefined shea butter, cold-pressed neem oil, EV oliv e oil, unrefined red palm oil, palm kernel oil, coconut oil. Pure essential oils: patchouli, tea tree, mint, rosemary, and more.
材料: 有機無毒栽種左手香,鮮乳,未精製酪梨油,未精製乳油木果脂,冷壓苦楝油,特級初榨橄欖油,未精製紅棕櫚油,棕櫚核仁油,椰子油。精油:廣藿香,茶樹,薄荷,迷迭香等天然植物精油。

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