100% Red Palm Oil Soap // 純紅棕皂
May 10, 2016Red palm oil has moisturizing and healing properties, with lots of vitamin E and A, it's beneficial for eczema, dry, sun damaged or aged skin. This unrefined red palm oil we use in our soap making is directly from a local oil factory, a local business, eco-friendly plantation and local production. The oil is orangy red in color, thick and creamy with lots of unsaponifiable components. Unsaponifiables are the fraction in oils which cannot be turned into soap, and they contain most of the vitamin and phytonutrient components of the oil, which are nourishing to the skin.
紅棕櫚油含有大量維生素E和A,是天然植物油中含有胡蘿蔔素最高的!有助於修復傷口或粗糙的肌膚。從本地油廠直接取得的未精製紅棕櫚油,非常的濃郁,整桶的油就像是南瓜泥一樣濃稠。 未精緻過的油脂含有較高比例的不可皂化物,包括維他命和植物中的其他營養素,都將會完整保留在手工皂中不被皂化過程影響,也就是說這樣的手工皂內涵更豐富對肌膚更滋潤。捨不得浪費桶子裡最後的那一點油,乾脆拿來做純紅棕皂。 天然的果實味道非常濃厚,就算是不添加任何精油也很好聞。
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