Charcoal Clarity Soap (備長炭乳皂)

July 09, 2011

This is one of Honey Savon's well liked soap. Personally, I like it very much as well.

Bamboo Charcoal Powder, famous for its anti-bacterial and cleansing power. With high percentage of Shea Butter and cold pressed Sesame Oil, this soap forms thick and creamy lather, helps to keep the skin soft and moisturized after cleansing.

(Custom order by Miss M.)

備長炭粉具有深層清潔毛孔的效果,能吸付多餘的油脂。 搭配有機乳油木果脂和有機冷壓芝麻油,在洗淨肌膚之ˊ餘,也能保​持肌膚的滋潤和彈性。

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