August 07, 2017

The color and lines were not what I planned for, but I love this unexpected glycerin river, so unique and gorgeous.



Handmade soap contains a great amount of glycerin, but we don't normally see it from the surface, NOW, you are looking at a living proof. 🤣

手工皂在製皂過程中會自然生成大量的甘油,珍貴的天然保濕成分,通常隱身在手工皂裡不給看的,今天難得小姐心情好~ 登台亮相! 

-------------------- the soap making --------------------

the preparation of colors
茜草根細粉 + 少許玫瑰紅雲母粉

wet soap batter

This is the reddest soap I have ever made!
A true festive color, RED ~ from natural rubiae powder and red mica.

做皂這麼多年,這是我做過最紅的一次!!  超紅超喜氣的

Ingredients: Organic coconut milk, New Zealand pure honey, vitamin E oil, EV olive oil, rice bran oil, coconut oil, palm kernel oil, castor oil, palm oil, sodium hydroxide (as saponifying agent, none remains after complete saponification), natural rubiae powder, rose red mica, pure essential oil blend.

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