漢方平安寶貝皂 (無香)
這款皂是漢方平安皂的升級版!主要油品(酪梨油、乳油木果脂、漢方草藥浸泡特級初榨橄欖油)相同,用100%有機椰乳代替鮮乳,以金盞花浸泡有機椰子油、有機乳油木果脂、希臘優格來做超脂和添加物。其中的金盞花浸泡有機椰子油,對濕疹、青春痘、皮膚疤痕、擦傷等等都特別有效用! 這皂沒有添加任何精油,只有純天然的漢方草藥肥皂味。加入高達10%的超脂,所以這塊皂特別的滋潤保溼,輕輕沾水搓洗一下就有像乳霜一樣的細緻泡沫,肥皂上還有一層透明膠質,非常適合敏感或熟齡肌膚。
也許有人會弄混了,簡單說明一下~熱製皂(Hot-Process) 跟再製皂 (Rebatch)是不同的! 再製皂是將已經完成的皂或是失敗/不美觀的皂刨絲加熱再製。 而熱製皂和冷製皂的作法一樣,最大的不同是多了加溫的過程來加速皂化反應,讓皂化更完整。因此熱製皂更溫和不刺激。 熱製皂的特色 取決於最後加入的超脂油品和添加物。因為熱製提昇了皂化的完成度,皂內的游離鹼所剩不多,所以這些最後才加入的超脂油品、精油、花草中藥等等,能更完整的保留它們的優質效能。 對超級敏感肌,熱製皂無疑是更合適的選擇!
Hearty Peace Baby Soap (unscented), made with 100% organic coconut milk and superfatted with calendula infused organic coconut oil, organic shea butter, and Greek yoghurt. No essential oil added, a pure natural Kampo Herbs Soap.
Recently I have been experimenting with Hot-Process(HP) soapmaking. Some may confuse the Hot-Process soap with Rebatch soap. Rebatching is to reprocess previously made soaps or to repair a batch of soap that is failed for whatever reason. Hot-Process is similar to Cold-Process, but the soap is "cooked" through saponification process. Super-fats(additional oils and butter), essential oils, flowers and herbs are added after the process, so they don't react with lye and retain all their goodness. Thus HP soap is extremely gentle and moisturizing, especially good for very dry and sensitive skin.
這款皂是漢方平安皂的升級版!主要油品(酪梨油、乳油木果脂、漢方草藥浸泡特級初榨橄欖油)相同,用100%有機椰乳代替鮮乳,以金盞花浸泡有機椰子油、有機乳油木果脂、希臘優格來做超脂和添加物。其中的金盞花浸泡有機椰子油,對濕疹、青春痘、皮膚疤痕、擦傷等等都特別有效用! 這皂沒有添加任何精油,只有純天然的漢方草藥肥皂味。加入高達10%的超脂,所以這塊皂特別的滋潤保溼,輕輕沾水搓洗一下就有像乳霜一樣的細緻泡沫,肥皂上還有一層透明膠質,非常適合敏感或熟齡肌膚。
也許有人會弄混了,簡單說明一下~熱製皂(Hot-Process) 跟再製皂 (Rebatch)是不同的! 再製皂是將已經完成的皂或是失敗/不美觀的皂刨絲加熱再製。 而熱製皂和冷製皂的作法一樣,最大的不同是多了加溫的過程來加速皂化反應,讓皂化更完整。因此熱製皂更溫和不刺激。 熱製皂的特色 取決於最後加入的超脂油品和添加物。因為熱製提昇了皂化的完成度,皂內的游離鹼所剩不多,所以這些最後才加入的超脂油品、精油、花草中藥等等,能更完整的保留它們的優質效能。 對超級敏感肌,熱製皂無疑是更合適的選擇!
Hearty Peace Baby Soap (unscented), made with 100% organic coconut milk and superfatted with calendula infused organic coconut oil, organic shea butter, and Greek yoghurt. No essential oil added, a pure natural Kampo Herbs Soap.
Recently I have been experimenting with Hot-Process(HP) soapmaking. Some may confuse the Hot-Process soap with Rebatch soap. Rebatching is to reprocess previously made soaps or to repair a batch of soap that is failed for whatever reason. Hot-Process is similar to Cold-Process, but the soap is "cooked" through saponification process. Super-fats(additional oils and butter), essential oils, flowers and herbs are added after the process, so they don't react with lye and retain all their goodness. Thus HP soap is extremely gentle and moisturizing, especially good for very dry and sensitive skin.